Five Core Values of eXtreme Programming – Agile Certified Practitioner

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What is it?

eXtreme Programming (XP) focuses more on the programming aspect of Agile – pair programming, refactoring code, continuous integration of working code and test driven development.

XP has five core values, and we’ll compare them to the Scrum core values.

1. Simplicity

Find the simplest thing that could possibly work. Keeping things simple means removing complexity and waste in the development.

“Occam’s Razor”

2. Communication

Transparent, frequent, face-to-face communication is best for a project team.

Co-located where possible.

3. Feedback

Feedback on the product and on the team process.

Fail fast and fail early to get feedback on what’s not working before getting too invested in the project approach.

4. Courage

The courage to speak up, put ego aside, be vulnerable. Code is visible to everyone all the time on an XP project. Courage to put your work out there for others to review, inspect, and edit.

5. Respect

The team respects each others’ ideas, culture, values, and how they work to get results. Quality and the success or failure of the project is everyone’s responsibility.

– David McLachlan

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