Tag Archives: employee engagement

Meaningful Work – Quote by Teresa Amabile

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“Of all the things that can boost inner work life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work.”


In 2011, Teresa Amabile revealed some research she and her team had been working on that completely upended what was previously thought about leadership and engaging your employees.

It wasn’t fear-based, it wasn’t money-based, and it wasn’t necessarily touchy-feely “let’s hug it out”-based.

Meaningful Work

Source: Harvard Business Review – The Power of Small Wins

To find these new answers Teresa had 26 project teams across seven companies fill out diaries at the end of each work day.  The result was writings that revealed what made people the happiest in their work, and what made them want to continue working even when they didn’t have to – in other words, “Discretionary Effort”, the holy grail of any Employee Engagement initiative.

Continue reading Meaningful Work – Quote by Teresa Amabile

A Simple (Yet Powerful) Framework for Employee Engagement

It’s time to unpack Employee Engagement.

By now the benefits of having engaged employees – teams who come to work with their whole self and genuinely care about doing a good job – should be nothing new to you. But just in case they are, here’s a taste:

Highly engaged employees take 41% fewer sick days. They have 21% higher productivity, and 17% higher sales. They make 17% fewer mistakes.  This is what the actual statistics say.  Companies with the majority of highly engaged employees earn on average twice the revenue of companies whose employees drag their feet on the way to work.

And it makes sense, doesn’t it? If your team is dragging their feet on their way to work, then dragging their feet while they perform their work, they are not getting as much done as they could.  They are not happy, and that unhappiness has a big impact on your results as a leader.

But employee engagement goes deeper than that – much deeper. In fact, part of what I am about to show you is that by creating a workplace that enables a high engagement in your staff, you are actually doing something more meaningful than increasing your profit (although that is definitely nice). You’re doing a public service, and improving the community around which you work. You’re bringing happiness by reducing the effects caused by many workplaces like depression, anxiety and fatigue.  By improving your people, you’re improving the community, and by improving the community you’re improving the broader world around you.

In creating a workplace that has engaged employees, you are bringing meaning to your people’s work. Given that we spend the majority of our time at work (apart from sleeping), you are now giving meaning to their life. In giving meaning to a person’s life, you are meeting more of their basic and enhanced needs that, according to Maslow, bring happiness. In bringing happiness you are reducing things like depression. You’re reducing illness, as happy people have been proven to get sick less often (41% less often, actually).

Continue reading A Simple (Yet Powerful) Framework for Employee Engagement

21 of the Best Pieces of Research on Employee Engagement (and How To Motivate Your Team)

Employee Engagement Research & Sources

If you’ve read any form of leadership literature over the past year there’s a good chance you’ve heard about the epidemic that is sweeping the globe, and has been for some time.  No country is safe – whether it is a first world country with all the benefits a person could want, or a third world country where workers are truly exploited.

That epidemic is employee engagement.

Low engagement across the world in what should be a meaningful endeavor – work, has strangled productivity and is robbing employees around the world of their energy and happiness.  You see, it’s only in the last 100 years that work has really been separate from the management and planning.  And that separation has led to meaningless work, separated from the customers who benefit or the outcomes they produce.

Now more than 70% of employees, even in first world countries, are disengaged in their work.

I’ve put together a manifesto with a clear step-by-step guide to improving employee engagement, and below are the sources for research that all point to the same thing: We crave clarity, regular checking in from our leaders where they focus on our strengths, and continuous improvement, and despite what you may have experienced the meaning we can get from normal every day jobs runs very deep.

Let’s check it out!

  1. The State of the Global Workplace, Gallup
  2. Growth Mindset
  3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  4. Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory
  5. Happiness, income satiation and turning points around the world
  6. High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being
  7. Eustress versus Distress
  8. Harvard Forces of Employee Engagement
  9. Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation
  10. SWOT Analysis For Management Consulting (Albert Humphrey)
  11. Do Employees Really Know What’s Expected of Them? Gallup
  12. The Million Dollar Checklist: Sustaining reductions in catheter related bloodstream infections
  13. The Person and the Situation – effects of environment on motivation
  14. Universal and Cultural Dimensions of Optimal Experiences
  15. Motivating Language Theory
  16. The Art of Motivating Employees
  17. Driving Engagement by Focusing on Strengths
  18. Inner Work Life: Understanding the Subtext of Business Performance
  19. Harvard, The Easiest Way To Change People’s Behavior
  20. Timing Matters: The Impact of Immediate and Delayed Feedback on Learning
  21. The Power of Feedback
  22. Google’s research on Clarity and Meaning

First, the statistics on the current engagement epidemic.

Continue reading 21 of the Best Pieces of Research on Employee Engagement (and How To Motivate Your Team)

Lean Management For White Collar Work – DO NOT Be Fooled By Well Meaning Consultants

Lean Management white collar

When it comes to Lean Management in general, there is a lot of mis-information and mal-practice out there in the world.  After all, Lean Management and operational excellence sound good at face value.  If it’s been well defined, it will look like “Quality, Delivery, and Cost” – improving quality and tasks being first-time-right, improving delivery times and getting things to customers (and team-mates) faster, and reducing cost.  But most companies and leaders don’t even get that far.

Add to this another challenge – that being a manager often involves many parts of a business, not just manufacturing.

These are areas in your business that need Lean Management too – like technology, software or website development, customer service, sales, administration, human resources, quality assurance, projects, training, change programs, communications and much more.  They can all benefit from the right approach and start to improve on those Lean Management measures of “Quality, Delivery and Cost”.  But it just can’t be done using the old Lean Manufacturing way.

So buyer beware – Lean is traditionally a manufacturing methodology, and few (if any) leaders have gotten it right when applying it to the other important parts of a business – parts that are considered “white collar”.

Every company, even if they are primarily in manufacturing, has these white collar areas to be managed and apply true Lean Management to.  Sales have to be made, scheduling has to be done, items have to be handed between departments, customers have to be served.

So how do we adjust this decades-old approach to a white collar world to achieve real success?  Simple – we strip the principles of Lean and operational excellence back to their core, to the outcome they are trying to achieve, and take the parts that give us a meaningful result as leaders and applying true Lean Management.

Five Steps to Lean Management for White Collar Work

Before we define Lean Management for white collar work, traditional manufacturing Lean is based on a handful of solid principles, most commonly shown like this:

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Leadership Card 32 – Checking In To Increase Engagement (and Customers)

Leadership Card 32 – Checking In to Increase Engagement (and Customers)

Leadership Card 032 Checking In

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The Best, Most Loved Leaders Check in Regularly With Their Team

The Gallup business journal recently found that there is a very clear way to increase your team’s engagement in their work.  They found that leaders who check in at least once a week with each individual in their team, while focusing on their strengths, saw up to a 27% increase in engagement.

To put that into perspective, companies in the top quartile of engagement have enjoyed twice the revenue of companies in the bottom quartile of engagement, according to a study by Kenexa.  Other studies by Gallup have shown lower absenteeism (by 41%), improved sales rates, and significantly improved productivity in companies with highly engaged staff.  Improving your engagement by 27% could easily move you into that top quartile where all the magic happens.

Do you want to be a leader that everybody loves?  Check in with people regularly, and focus on their strengths.  Part of this comes down to another key to increasing engagement – in fact some people have called it the main key.  And that is progress.

Employee Engagement cartoon Making Progress

By checking in regularly with your team, and focusing on their strengths, you are facilitating both a sense of progress, and the likelihood of real progress itself.  Teresa Amabile found in her research and writings called “The Progress Principle” that people’s happiness increased when they had a sense of progress.  In fact, there’s a good chance you can relate to this.  How many times have you thought about (or actually gone ahead with) quitting your job or business plan because you weren’t making any progress?

So check in with your team, focus on their strengths, and make sure they are on the right track making progress.

Check In With Your Customers To Significantly Increase Sales

Retaining customers can be one of the hardest things in business, but when you get it right, studies have found very real increases in revenue and profit.  One study by the author of The Ultimate Question 2.0 (Frederick Reichheld) found that retaining an extra 5% of your customers led to an increase in profit of between 25% and 95%.  And if you think about it, it makes sense.  Most of the cost to acquire a customer is spent up front, with advertising, brand awareness, many meetings or phone calls and even steep sales discounts.  But once a customer has formed a habit of doing business with your company, there is a much lower chance they will go searching for something else.

And this is where feedback comes in.

It’s such a simple concept, yet almost no company does it well (outside of many of the best, most profitable companies).  You want to search out customer feedback.  Are you getting complaints?  Great!  At least your customers are telling you.  Don’t hide away from the complaints – they are free feedback that is worth its weight in gold if you know how to fix their problem and improve.

Customer feedback might take the form of a survey, a Facebook or Google review, a complaint (as we noted) or even praise (statistically less likely, but still nice).  And when we get any type of feedback, we want to solve the operational problems that lead to anything negative.

Lean Cartoon Fix Operational Problems

Work taking too long?  Solve the operational problem behind it.  Staff on-site leaving a mess after their work?  Solve the operational problem behind it.  Quality of the product not lasting long enough?  Solve the operational problem behind it.

And – here’s where things come full circle – the best way to solve operational problems is to ensure you have a standard, repeatable process in place and then check in regularly to ensure it is being done.  And if it’s being done, but the results are still bad, then you improve the repeatable process and roll it out again.

Rinse and repeat on your way to exponential growth – just buy me a beer when you pass your first million.

There’s the other side to this tale as well – as your business grows and you rely on repeatable processes more, if you don’t check in to see if those processes are giving you the outcome you want, there is a good chance you’ll run into trouble.  If you don’t check, you can’t adjust, and if you don’t adjust, you may not get the results you want.  Pilots check their course regularly on their way to their destination, and so should you, by checking in with your team, your customers, and making sure they are getting the outcomes they want.

Chat soon – David McLachlan

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Oh and good news!  You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time.  Get the Lean CX Score now.

Leadership Card 31 – Impossible To Make A Mistake (Lean CX)

Leadership Card 31 – Impossible To Make A Mistake


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We all make mistakes.  In fact, making mistakes usually is a good way to learn and become better in life.  But what happens when we allow – even encourage – our customers to make mistakes as they try to buy from us?  Or what about your team members, trying to do a good job in your business, but thwarted (yes, thwarted) by long, convoluted processes that seem to trip them up at every turn?

Making things easy is the real key to engaging your workers, getting customers to buy from you, and ultimately getting the results you deserve in your business.  And making things easy is done in a few ways, but one of the best ways is to find a way to make it impossible to make a mistake, as your team or your customer goes through their process.

If it’s impossible for them to make a mistake when they buy from you, they are more likely to buy.  If your team can’t make a mistake in the work that they do, they are more likely to do it.  But it also works the other way.  If it is possible, even easy, for your team to make mistakes, then they may have to redo their task over and over again, costing you more, frustrating them and reducing their engagement.

Designing your work intentionally to make it harder to make mistakes takes work, which is why most leaders don’t do it.  Instead, they fall on the crutch of “hiring the right people” or “hiring people smarter than themselves” and letting those superstars get to work.  But here’s the thing – hiring superstars is expensive.  And even when you do, there’s still an 80% chance they will be a dud – not matching the culture of your team, getting bored with the work, or wanting to go in different directions than your team, and the way they do things is ultimately still hidden in their minds (not made visible for all to see).

It is MUCH better, easier and cheaper for you to simply hire nice people – collaborative people – and give them the right boundaries with a repeatable process where it’s impossible to make a mistake.

After all, McDonald’s did it, and now it’s a multinational company with over 36,000 stores that has run for nearly eighty years.  Uber did it, and it’s now it has scaled across the globe and is worth 70 Billion Dollars.  Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, all the big names you hear about know the power of making it impossible to make a mistake.  They’ve all done it separately in different ways and have all had stellar success.  How will you do it?

Yes, you will have to brainstorm with your team.  Yes, you will have to put in a little extra work to make your process simpler.  But the rewards you will see are 100 times worth the effort.

Chat soon – David McLachlan

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Leadership Card 30 – Make it Visual, Lean CX Model

Leadership Card 30 – Make it Visual, Lean CX Model


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A picture is worth a thousand words.  That’s what they say.  Sure, it may be an old saying, and who knows where it started?  But the thing is, it’s right.

One study found that adding pictures increased understanding and recall of information 98% of the time.  So if you’re a leader and you want your people to do something, or if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur and you want your customers to buy something, making it visual is a huge part of them getting and retaining that information so they can do what you want.

Making it visual means taking your process from being hidden in someone’s mind, and writing it down or putting it on a wall so everyone can see it.  Or better yet, taking that 1000 word report and turning it into one chart that people can easily and quickly understand.

The best websites have a user experience that visually guides their customers in the direction they want.  The best software development teams have simple red or green lights when development environments are working or when they are not.  Uber gave its customers a GPS map where you could see how many cars were close by to pick you up.

A picture is worth a thousand words.  It is also around 1000 times faster at conveying the information you want, to the people you want.

Making things visible also brings clarity to your work and engagement to your people.  When your team are uncertain of what they need to do, they are more likely to be disengaged and also more likely to not do the work – that’s what the research says.  Making the work clear and the process visible goes a long way to improving your performance and your results.

What Can You Do In Your Own Work?

Is there “hidden” information you can make visible in your own work?  Maybe it’s your best performing team member and how she does her work.  Maybe it’s clarity on the next steps your customer has to take (or will go through) in their customer experience.  All of these things are often hidden, and not clearly exposed for people to see, because it actually takes extra work for us to bring them out into the open.  Most people won’t do it.  But if and when you do, your team will be more engaged, and your customers will buy more often.

Chat soon – David McLachlan

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Leadership Card 29 – Reduce The Steps, Lean CX Model

Leadership Card 29 – Reduce The Steps, Lean CX Model

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There’s an old saying that goes: “The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.”  It’s a great saying, and it’s a nice way to remind yourself to keep going and keep taking those steps when things get tough.

The only thing is, let’s say you’re a company selling software and you make your customers take 1000 steps to get what they want.  They might do it for a while, especially if you’re the only one selling that software.

But then another company comes along, and it gives your customers what they want in one step.  One single step.  Not 1000.  Just one.  Pretty soon, all your customers have gone to your competitor for the simple reason that it was easy to do so.  Nobody really wants to take that “journey” of 1000 miles or 1000 steps.

I bring this up because this is what many companies are doing in real life – they are making their customers jump through hoops, take extra steps, and take extra actions just to get what they want.  And they are doing this, of course, until Amazon comes along, gives customers one click ordering and ridiculously fast delivery and the other company falls apart.

Reducing the steps to people getting what they want is the master key to huge success in business.  It’s success with your customers, and it’s success in your teams.  The simple fact is that most companies and teams have not clearly articulated what they do, the outcomes they give, and how to get to those outcomes.  After all, that’s too mundane, right?  Why should they write down the steps they take to get customers (internal and external) what they want?  And you might think that way too, until you hear that nearly 50% of workers actually aren’t sure on what is expected of them in their job.  In other words, 1 in 2 people probably aren’t doing what you need them to do, because they simply don’t know what it is.  Why write it down?  Because you can’t reduce what you haven’t articulated in the first place.

Uber gave customers one-tap ordering of a ride, and now it’s a 70 billion dollar company.  Amazon Kindle gave you one click ordering of eBooks, and it has all but decimated physical book stores around the world.  Microsoft gave you Windows so you could click on what you wanted, when DOS (typing into a green screen) was still a thing.  Most of you won’t remember DOS because it basically disappeared from view once Windows was released.

Also, have you ever noticed that complicated things tend to break more often?  That complicated system, complicated code, complicated buying process, complicated risk review or complicated creation of the annual shareholder report – where things are complicated with too many steps, hand-offs, rework, and waiting, then things tend to break.

Reducing the steps is one of those keys to making things more robust, making things easier to do, easier to use.  And when things are easier to do, people tend to do them.  That means the people in your team, and helping them to do what you want.

So many leaders, when I speak to them, blame the people for not doing what they want them to do.  But when it comes down to it, it’s the complicated and uncertain process that causes their team to flounder.

Simplify things, and you will see incredible rewards.

Chat soon – Dave

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Leadership Card 28 – Make It Repeatable (Lean CX Model)

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Leadership Card 28 – Make It Repeatable (Lean CX model)


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How does a single restaurant manage to stay in business?  Thousands of restaurants go out of business every year.  Possibly hundreds of thousands, if you look at the industry around the world.  So how does one manage to survive?

But then let’s take it a step further – how does a restaurant not only survive, thrive, scaling to over 36,000 stores worldwide?

36,000 stores.  That’s roughly how many McDonald’s family restaurants there are around the globe, and it all started with a single one nearly 80 years ago.  The McDonald brothers made burgers so well, so fresh, and so fast, and so repeatably that their model was able to be scaled to other stores quickly.  It could be taught quickly, it could be replicated quickly, and each new store could have success quickly all because of one simple approach: Capturing their process and making it repeatable.

You see, every tiny piece of the process that went into making a McDonald’s hamburger was looked at, written down, and then improved and streamlined until it was the fastest burger at a very low price that could be found anywhere, for a long time.

By making their process so repeatable by anyone who came along, they were able to hire kids still in school, as their first job, and train them in their repeatable process.  They didn’t need to hire people with degrees (costing them more) and anyone they did hire had great success at their work because it was made clear and simple.

2018 and Beyond – Scaling Drivers Worldwide

But it’s not just burgers that have a process that can be made repeatable.  It’s anything.  And when you do this, you can scale your business beyond anything you had ever thought of before.

In 2009, could you have ever imagined that more than two million individual drivers from around the world would all be trained and working towards a common goal?  Well that’s exactly what Uber has done, and exactly why it is worth 70 billion dollars today.  They used the power of technology and delivered it in an app, error proofing with automatic payments, GPS tracking and simple visual management where you could see exactly where your driver or passenger was.  They made the process repeatable.

What Can You Make Repeatable?

Now it’s over to you.  Everything can be made repeatable, and everything can be simplified.  What are some areas in your business that you just know you need to clarify, write down the steps for, and then make a little bit simpler?

The Lean CX (or Ease of Use) framework shows you exactly how to simplify your work and your customer experience.  Clarifying the steps to getting the outcomes you want, therefore making them repeatable by anyone, is the first step to simplification.

Chat soon – David McLachlan

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Are you unhappy in your job?  Do you hate your work?  Is your life boring?  I’ve got something that you may find controversial, and if this is you I want to say that it’s NOT your fault.  Your leader has not intentionally designed your work for ease of use and engagement – probably because they don’t know how.

So the question is – if they’re not going to lead, then who is?  And the answer is YOU.  YOU are the leader your team needs to get intentional about designing your work for ease of use and engagement, and when you do, no matter what industry or work type you are in, you will start enjoying those 8 to 12 hours everyday we call “Work”.

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David McLachlan:  It’s an absolutely beautiful morning in the city, this is gonna be a great ride.  But I really want to talk to you about something super important, in fact one thing that we haven’t really spoken about over the last couple of videos is a little thing called designing your work.

Like I said I really want to talk to you about designing your work, and more specifically designing your work for ease of use.  So what does it mean to design your work?  Well think about it from this perspective.  Have you
ever had to call a company, or deal with another department in your company, and you can just tell they don’t really know what they’re doing?  You know, they have to redo things over and over again, they have to hand off to another department or another person, there’s a lot of waiting in between steps and the person that you’re dealing with or even a team or another department, and the person that you’re dealing with is just dragging their feet and everything is too hard for them.  And all of this grates on the experience.

So pretty soon you’re not wanting to do business with these people or this
company because of all of this extra friction, and it’s quite obvious that they don’t like their job.  I’m gonna say something a little bit controversial and that is it’s not their fault.  It’s actually because their process and their work has not been intentionally designed for ease of use.  Because when you design your process in your work and your job for ease of use you’re making things easy naturally so then it wouldn’t matter these things would be easy for that person to do, whether they were having a good day or a bad day.  And we all have bad days but there’s absolutely no excuse for having a bad process.

So why is it important to design your work, and specifically design for ease of use?  Well, a recent study found that more than 50% of people in their jobs
actually don’t know what’s expected of them at work.  And because of that they’re not doing the best job that they can do.  And of course out of those people who don’t really know what’s expected of them at work there’s a higher proportion of people who are disengaged in their work – just like that person we were talking about before who’s dragging their feet and everything’s too
hard.  These are everyday people trying to do a good job but they may not
necessarily be able to, because it hasn’t been made clear what is expected.  The outcomes and the steps have not been made clear.

Disengaged workers  – the impact that has on your business is, their sales rates are lower their productivity is lower.  Happiness has a big impact on your bottom line.  Now look at it from the other perspective as well.  Recent research by Stanford University actually found 35 percent was the difference in results of people who had clear outcomes and people who had not clear outcomes at all.  Teams and companies that didn’t have clear outcomes actually performed 35% worse than people and teams and companies that
did have clearly articulated outcomes and clearly designed steps to get there.

Now there’s another study as well that was done on happiness and flow, and it’s by a great man called Mihali Csikszentmihalyi, and in the 1960s he took a thousand people and interviewed them when they found the most happiness
and meaning in their lives and there were a handful of things, but three of
the most prominent were they had control over the outcome when they were doing the task, they had a clear objective when they were doing the task, just like the Stanford University study and just like the Gallup study as well, and the task gave immediate feedback.  Now all of these things are actually part of the
ease-of-use framework which I’m going to share with you over the next couple of videos.  So everything is starting to tie together all of the research is pointing in a very very very similar direction, and that direction is making sure that we’re clearly articulating things, intentionally designing the work, and
designing it specifically for ease of use.

Now I’m going to go into the five steps of the ease-of-use framework in other
videos but really quickly they are: making your process repeatable so it’s
the same great repeatable process every time, reducing those steps to a customer getting what they want, making it visuals so they can see exactly what to do first time without having to ask, making it impossible to make a mistake and checking in so that we know whether they got what they want or not.

So where do we go from here?  A very simple thing that you can do straight up is just simply write out the steps that you take to perform a few of the tasks in your work and then try and reduce those steps so by reducing the steps you are actually reducing the complexity making things easier just straight off the bat just doing those two things alone will have a massive impact on your business and the rest of it comes down to the ease-of-use framework which I absolutely cannot wait to share with you over the next coming videos.

I hope to see you then, chat soon.

David McLachlan