Tag Archives: agile practice guide

Delivering in an Agile Environment – The Agile Practice Guide

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This is the Agile Practice Guide from the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance, and this particular one is delivering in an Agile environment.

Check out the video and article below!

Delivering in an Agile Environment

There are two things in focus when delivering in an Agile environment, and the first is the team and the project charter.  The second is the way we measure results – it can be very different than that of a traditional approach when we’re using Agile.  First let’s look at the Charter.

Charter the Project and the Team

Usually in a traditional approach using the project management body of knowledge, which goes through very set steps that will initiate a project with a project charter.  It will go through what the project stands for, what the risks are, who the stakeholders are, all those things.  It will initiate that project and kick it off.

Now in addition to that when we’re using an Agile approach, our cross-functional team will initiate with a team Charter.  What that means is you’ve seen the cross-functional team before where we’ve got the roles like the facilitator, we’ve got the product owner, and they represent the customer or the business.  And then we’ve got our cross-functional team members who are those T-shaped members who have a general knowledge of a lot of things and then one really deep specialty knowledge.  So these team members are extremely valuable because they might have one deep specialty of development and then many many general knowledge areas such as design or testing or or even leadership.  All of those different things.

Our team Charter includes the project vision or the purpose, and this is so important and it’s so wonderful as well.  Why?  Because we want to start with “why”.  Start with why is a classic book by Simon Sinek, and it’s just a wonderful way to get everyone on the same page and make sure everyone is heading in the right direction. “Why” is it that we are doing this in the first place?

Once we’ve got that, we work on a clear set of working agreements and that can involve many different things.  When we were working on the purpose and the why we ask the questions “why are we doing this project, who benefits from this project,” and what does done mean for this project?  What is the definition of done, when do we finish working?  And then how are we going to work together.  Now the best role and this can be anyone who has this leadership quality is the Servant Leader, who may facilitate that chartering process sitting down with the team, facilitating everyone, getting them working together and extracting that information from the team.

So they can put it down into words where it may have been hidden before.  The servant leader’s role is also to help coach and to help remove blockers.

Now the team charter is also a social contract.  That social contract can include things like team values, such as the sustainable pace and the core hours.  We’ve talked about the sustainable pace before – we don’t want people to be working the midnight shift and then crashing and burning the next day.  Or really going crazy one week and then having three days off sick – it’s just not sustainable, and it’s not a great way to work.  From an Agile perspective we want that sustainable pace, and we want to put that down in words.  What is that sustainable pace?  Do we have set breaks, do we have set hours, what are our core hours, are they late or are they early, does everyone get in at the same time?  All of those things, let’s write it down.

We have working agreements such as what “ready” means, so the team can take in work.  So when are you ready to take in more work?  What done means – so when are you finished that work?  And the team can judge that completeness consistently.

Respecting the time box – so they are iterations of two to four weeks, and their work in progress limits.  If the team is working in an Agile format where they’ve got cards and maybe they have limits for how many cards they can take on at a time, you don’t want all of your cards sitting in the backlog of work, but likewise you need to make sure that everyone understands when they can take on a new piece of work as well.  And that goes in the team charter.

We want ground rules, such as one person talking in a meeting at a time.  Or maybe you want a lot of discussion, a lot of collaboration at a time and maybe everyone agrees with that.  And we want group norms such as how the team treats meeting times – is everyone on time?  Or can someone miss it if they’ve got something really important on?  What are those rules and does everyone agree?

Of course you can put any other behavior that the team wants to work with or address. Maybe something has bugged someone in a previous working arrangement and they just want to bring it up and they want to say – “Hey this didn’t work well the last time or maybe this worked really well,” and they want to bring this up and that can go in the team charter
as well.

How Agile Teams Measure Results

As we’re delivering in an Agile environment, Agile teams measure things quite differently to that of a normal project.  The way they do that is that they actually measure results in the way that the project is delivered in other words the pieces of the project that are delivered, the functional pieces.

Agile favors value-based measurements, and that’s value from the perspective of our customer.  So what are the valuable pieces that our customer can get their hands on and use, and how many of those pieces have we delivered?  Instead of normal predictive measurements like Earned Value Management or Schedule Management or cost management that we could use in a more traditional waterfall approach, by measuring what is done and re-planning at each iteration by iteration there’s less room for error and more room to correct course.

And we’ll see that in the way that we measure those results with a burn-up chart or a burndown chart, and these burn up charts or burndown charts are basically these story points remaining.  As you can see we might have features and then often many smaller “stories” will make up those features.  And features can make up larger increments that we’re delivering to a customer.


The pieces of work that we’re working on as a team – maybe we have a thousand stories altogether in the in the product backlog and then per iteration we might have 20 or 30 or 50, but each time one of those stories is finished we’re marking it off on the chart, so we’re basically counting down the number of stories that we have completed.  We want to aim for a certain amount of stories so as you can see here over 10 iterations we’re wanting to
finish that amount of stories but in reality sometimes it is a little bit different.  So we can give ourselves a guide but obviously when it’s happening it might fluctuate – it might go up and down or not go at the exact pace that we want it to, because life happens and things get in the way.

So by making it visual and by measuring by the story points and the features that we’re releasing and the things that are getting done and the value that we’re adding to the customer – that is the way that an Agile team will measure results.

And that is delivering in an Agile environment.

– David McLachlan

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Want to learn about Lean? Get the book "Five Minute Lean", by David McLachlan - a wonderful book that blends teaching of the tools, culture and philosophy of traditional Lean with a modern-day Lean parable. You can get the whole book on Amazon here and enjoy your own copy.

Evolving the Organisation – The Agile Practice Guide

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We’re looking at the Agile Practice Guide from the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance.  This one in particular is “Evolving the organization.”

Check out the article and video below!

Evolving the Organisation

When we say evolving the organization, really what we’re talking about is bringing Agile into an organization in a way that also uses the Agile methodology.  Maybe traditionally you’ve been using a more linear approach, very step-by-step, very focused and figuring out all the scope and cost upfront, and then being afraid when all that changes as the project rolls out.

But if we’re moving towards more of an Agile approach it’s really recommended that we undertake that work incrementally.  In other words we’re actually using Agile, and our Agile way of putting things in the hands of our customers (which in this case is our teammates and our organization) then we’re using that to actually roll it out so we treat the change as an Agile project with its own backlog of work, and backlog of changes or Agile things that we could implement and that could be introduced to the team, based on the perceived value.

In this case our team is the customer so whether you’re leading a team or maybe you’re trying to implement it across an organization, but either way the customer in this case is other people who you’re moving the implementation of Agile onto.  That means that the value has to be based on what they perceive the value to be, and that’s very important.

Iterating Towards Agile

When we’re iterating and getting that feedback from the customer as we’re implementing Agile, then we’re putting that feedback back into the process and using what works and discarding and what doesn’t.  So when we are are implementing practices like Scrum or Kanban or Feature Driven Development, or maybe Scrum of Scrums across multiple teams, or many other things like the whole team approach and regular feedback using iterations – each of those changes can be treated as an experiment.  They can be tested for a short period of time to determine the suitability or need, or to further refine it.

What that means is we don’t have to say “Look everyone, this is happening!”  We can instead say “Let’s try it out for one or two iterations,” in this case using Agile terminology again, say four to eight weeks in total, and then let’s round back on it using a Retrospective where we ask is this working well, what didn’t work well, what did I learn and what still puzzles me during this implementation.

Then we can put that feedback back into the process.

Using the Agile Method of Kanban to Track Progress

We can also use Kanban boards to track the progress of the things that we’re implementing  – showing the new approaches to use as “done” and the things that we’ve tried as or we’re currently trying as in progress.  Again this is another Agile approach.  We’ve got all of these things that we want to implement in the backlog – maybe we’re going to move to Scrum, maybe we’re going to use Kanban, maybe we’re going to use the Whole Team Approach or a cross-functional team and some of those will be moving those across into “in progress” and some of those will already be finished.

Assessing the Current Culture

We’ll have gone through that retrospective process to find out what worked, what didn’t work, what we want to keep and what we want to discard.  Now before we get into all of this or to start implementing these changes we can assess the current culture and its readiness for a job and tailor a solution to suit.

As we’ve seen there are quite a few different methods and practices that we can use in Agile and not all organizations will want to use all of those practices. One model that we can use to find out what would suit an organization is where we ask:

Do we value exploration more than execution for example, maybe we really really just need to deliver things and we need to deliver things quickly and in that case maybe we can increment and deliver increments every two to four weeks on a regular basis. Or maybe we want speed or maybe we’ll want stability in the team.  Which one is more valuable?

Maybe we want quantity maybe we want quality.  And maybe want flexibility in our work or maybe want predictability in our work.  This will just help us determine which of the Agile practices will be valuable from a team’s perspective.  You could use any framework really when you’re figuring this out and what to use from an Agile perspective but the key point is that we want to be understanding the team.  Whether it’s just going and talking to the team and saying “Hey what are you currently doing, would this work, can we use it as a test?” and we then get feedback on it, let’s work together.  The whole point is delivering value from the perspective of your customer, and in this case the customer is the team.

And that is evolving the organization from an Agile perspective.

– David McLachlan

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Want to learn about Lean? Get the book "Five Minute Lean", by David McLachlan - a wonderful book that blends teaching of the tools, culture and philosophy of traditional Lean with a modern-day Lean parable. You can get the whole book on Amazon here and enjoy your own copy.

Auxiliary Agile Frameworks – Dynamic Systems Delivery Method, Agile Unified Process, Behavior Driven Development

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We’re looking at the Agile and Lean frameworks from the Agile Practice Guide from the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance.

We’re looking at this because as you go along your Agile journey, you’ll find many core methods, and people may call themselves an Agile team and use only one or two of these methods. That’s often fine as long as we’ve got the core Agile practices as part of that – things such as the whole team approach, daily doing stand-ups, retrospectives.  Many teams will have some of these core methods and sometimes even some of these auxiliary methods that they’re practicing as an Agile team or an Agile company.

This one we’re going to look at is the Agile auxiliary methods of Agile Unified Process, DSDM or Dynamic Systems Delivery Method, and Behavior-Driven Development.

Check out the video and article below, now!

Dynamic Systems Delivery Method

Dynamic Systems Delivery Method or DSDM was designed to add more rigor to the rising iterative methods of the 1990s. It’s most known for its emphasis on constraint-driven delivery, which sets Cost, Quality and Time in the beginning and then uses formalized prioritization of scope to meet those constraints. In other words, it’s meeting up with the Agile approach of having fixed time, where we’ve got our fixed time boxes of two to four weeks depending on what your team has arranged or has agreed on and then a set time frame for delivering the product. The cost might be fixed as well, and the quality – we always want high quality and that needs to be fixed within an Agile team. However, we can adjust the scope as we go along. And as we iterate with our product, yes, sometimes that product will change and the requirements might change when a customer sees it and just has a little bit of feedback based on what we’ve been developing.

Agile Framework DSDM Constraints

Eight principles guide the use of DSDM. We focus on the business need, and there are many different ways of doing this within Agile. The product owner represents the customer, and we’ve got reviews of the product every two to four weeks so the customer can see, feel and touch it and make sure that we’re on the right track.

We’ve got delivering on time, collaboration, never compromising quality, and building incrementally from firm foundations. We’re making sure that we understand what the main feature and the main product is going to be, as part of our feature-driven development (that you might recognise) and then building incrementally – building those features out from those firm foundations.

We’ve got developing iteratively. So making sure our customer can see it by performing those reviews at the end of our iteration. This means a customer can see what’s going on and make sure that we’re on the right track and adjust if necessary.

We’ve got communicating continuously and early – that’s part of our daily stand-ups that you might recognize, and we’ve got demonstrating. control, using the appropriate techniques and prioritization of scope.

We’re making sure that the product owner is involved and making sure the customer is involved in prioritizing the scope that they want to see, and we develop what’s most valuable to them.

Next, we’ve got Agile Unified Process or AUP as well. The intent of AUP is to perform Iterative Cycles across seven key disciplines and incorporate the associated feedback before formal delivery. So someone using AUP will have these disciplines within a release:

We’ve got the model implementation, testing deployment, configuration management, project management, and the environment. All of these are the disciplines of AUP.

But the principles guiding those disciplines are: we want to make sure that the team understands and has clarity and knows what it’s doing. We want simplicity with what the team is doing- so we don’t want complex things just for the sake of doing that.  We want agility – so the ability to adjust and change quickly if needed. Focusing on high-value activities, of course we’ve seen that many times with the Product Owner getting involved prioritizing that backlog of the highest value activities for the customer. We’ve got tool independence, so things can function on their own if necessary – if one item goes down, it doesn’t bring the whole thing down. We’ve got tailoring to fit and situationally specific.

Lastly, we’ve also got Behavior-Driven Development as one of our auxiliary methods to Agile. This is another simple way of defining these stories or the features from the Customer’s point of view, and it’s a great way to define those when you’re performing collaborative user story creation. So when the whole team is getting together, creating that user story based on all the different inputs from the tester, the developer, the designer, the product owner, we make sure everyone has an input into that so that it’s a wholly created card from the customer’s point of view.

With BDD, we’ve got “Given” some initial context, “When” an event occurs, “Then” ensure some outcomes. So given this system is in this mode, when this happens then we want that to happen. And that’s just a nice way to describe it so everyone is on the same page.

Those are some more of the auxiliary methods of the Agile and lean frameworks.

– David McLachlan

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Want to learn about Lean? Get the book "Five Minute Lean", by David McLachlan - a wonderful book that blends teaching of the tools, culture and philosophy of traditional Lean with a modern-day Lean parable. You can get the whole book on Amazon here and enjoy your own copy.

XP (eXtreme Programming) – The Agile Practice Guide

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We’re looking at the Agile and Lean frameworks from the Agile Practice Guide, by the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance.

The reason we’re looking at these is because as you go along your Agile journey there are many different Agile methods that you’ll come across and that people may be using, or may not be using, or maybe partially using.  And there are also many Auxiliary methods and even scalable methods that you’ll find within Agile where people are calling themselves Agile and using one or some of these methods, and it’s just nice to know what they are, a little bit behind them, how they match up with the core practices of Agile so you can really tell if that team is genuinely Agile or not.

The next one we’re looking at is XP or Extreme Programming.

The Core Agile Framework of XP

XP or extreme programming is a software development method based on frequent cycles. So already we can see a core Agile practice, having frequent cycles or iterations.  XP is known for popularizing a holistic set of twelve primary practices, and these later expanded into other secondary practices as well.  The reason why this has become a core Agile framework is because you’ll see many of the Extreme Programming principles as part of the core Agile practices as well.  For example frequent cycles, sitting together with the whole team, testing first, all of those things that we’ve been through.

Continue reading XP (eXtreme Programming) – The Agile Practice Guide

Scrum – The Agile Practice Guide

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We’re looking at the Agile and Lean frameworks from the Agile Practice Guide, from the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance.

What you’ll find is that there are many different Agile and Lean frameworks and ways of describing what are essentially very similar Agile practices. We’ve already looked at the core Agile practices and traditionally you could call yourself an Agile practitioner if you were doing those Agile practices, no matter what framework you were using in an organization. That’s why it’s important to understand what’s underneath these frameworks, and also the names of the frameworks that you might come across in your day-to-day work as an Agile practitioner.

There are a handful of core methods that you’ll definitely see in almost every Agile way of work, and then many auxiliary methods and even “scalable” methods because Agile has made its way out of software development, out of production in general and into the broader organization, into the Project Management Office and across the Enterprise as well. So we’re going to start with the core methods and the first one we’re going to look at is Scrum.

The Core Agile Framework of Scrum

Scrum is a single team framework for managing product development. In a project, we’re creating a product for a customer – something that delivers value for our customer. Now, we’ve already looked at this in the core Agile practice of the whole team approach, where it really matches up to what a scrum team consists of.

First we’ve got the Product Owner. The Product Owner represents the customer – they are responsible for maximizing the value of the product. The Product Owner represents the customer or represents the business and they help “groom the backlog of work” through the user stories, usually on a Kanban board (which we will see as well). In other words they put that work, in the form of user stories, into prioritization.

Continue reading Scrum – The Agile Practice Guide

Demonstrations and Reviews – The Agile Practice Guide

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The Agile Core Practices

There are certain core Agile practices you might be doing as a team – and not necessarily calling yourself Agile or using the framework names, but still working in an Agile way. Knowing these core practices is a great way to get a deeper understanding of Agile as an approach.

One of the best places to update your skills in Agile is from the Agile Practice Guide, by the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance. This one in particular is demonstrations and reviews.

Check out the video and article below!

Demonstrations and Reviews

As part of gathering early feedback, the team will complete features in the form of user stories. The team periodically demonstrates that work – the working product or the pieces that they’ve created – they demonstrate that to the customer or to the business or the product owner (remembering that the Product Owner in in the Agile Whole Team Approach represents the customer and the business).

So you could be demonstrating it to the Product Owner and they could relay that information, but usually it is best to go straight to the source and demonstrate your working increment to the customer or to the business who is ultimately getting the value that you’re creating.

Often this occurs at the end of an iteration of around two weeks to four weeks or when enough of those features have been completed into a set that’s coherent. For example maybe it takes a few of these features to be to be created to have something that a customer can see, feel and touch, and that you can actually demonstrate to a customer.

We demonstrate this increment or usable set of features so that we can start getting feedback on that increment. Team members can also get feedback that prevents them from heading in the wrong direction by using this approach, and that’s why it’s so valuable.

And that is Agile demonstrations and reviews.

– David McLachlan

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Want to learn about Lean? Get the book "Five Minute Lean", by David McLachlan - a wonderful book that blends teaching of the tools, culture and philosophy of traditional Lean with a modern-day Lean parable. You can get the whole book on Amazon here and enjoy your own copy.

The Agile Practice Guide Video Course

The Agile Practice Guide Video Series

The Agile Practice Guide – Video and Audio Series

Have you ever wanted to learn about Agile, but did not know where to start?

Start here.

Directly from the Agile Practice Guide, which is a book designed to add Agile to the prestigious Project Management Professional (PMP) qualification by the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance, this video and audio series takes you through the whole range of their Agile lessons.  From project life-cycles (why and when to use Agile), though to the common practices you will see, and the many different Agile and Lean Frameworks that have evolved over the past 30 years.

This free guide will help you get up to speed quickly, even on some of the rarer parts.

Check it out now!

Agile project lifecycles video  1. The different type of project life cycles – Waterfall, Iterative, Incremental, Agile (and Hybrid)

Project Lifecycles agile waterfall video  2. When to use Agile, Waterfall, Iterative or Incremental project approaches

Agile Manifesto and mindset video  3. The Agile Manifesto and Mindset

Agile 12 clarifying principles  4. The 12 Agile Clarifying Principles

The Agile Core Practices

Agile Whole Team Approach  5. The Whole Team Approach

Agile Early and Frequent Feedback  6. Early and Frequent Feedback

Agile daily standups video  7. The Daily Stand Up

Agile Retrospectives Video  8. Retrospectives

Agile Practice Guide Release and Iteration Planning  9. Release and Iteration Planning

Agile Practice Guide Collaborative User Story Creation  10. Collaborative User Story Creation

Agile Practice Guide Demonstrations and Reviews  11. Demonstrations and Reviews

Agile Practice Guide Continuous Integration  12. Continuous Integration

Agile servant leadership video  13. Servant Leadership

Agile and Lean Frameworks

Agile Scrum  14. Agile Frameworks – Scrum

Agile Kanban  15. Agile Frameworks – Kanban

XP Extreme Programming Agile  16. Agile Frameworks – XP, Extreme Programming

Agile_Practice_Guide_Feature_DrivenDevelopment  17. Agile Frameworks – Feature Driven Development

Agile_Practice_Guide_Crystal  18. Agile Frameworks – Crystal

Agile_Practice_Guide_Auxiliary_Methods  19. Auxiliary Agile Frameworks – DSDM, AUP, BDD

Agile_Practice_guide_Scalable_Agile_Methods  20. Scaling Frameworks – SoS, SAFe, LeSS, Enterprise Scrum, Disciplined Agile

Delivering_Agile  21. Agile Delivery – Team Charter, Burndown charts

Agile_Practice_Guide_Evolving_Organisation 22. Evolving the Organisation into Agile

I hope you enjoy!  – David McLachlan

Get the Leadership Card Deck or the Five Minute Lean Book:

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Want to learn about Lean? Get the book "Five Minute Lean", by David McLachlan - a wonderful book that blends teaching of the tools, culture and philosophy of traditional Lean with a modern-day Lean parable. You can get the whole book on Amazon here and enjoy your own copy.

Early and Frequent Feedback – The Agile Practice Guide

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Core Agile Practices

There are certain core Agile practices that, when you do them with your team, they increase your team’s engagement and results. You also don’t need to call yourself “Agile” – if you are doing some or all of these Agile core practices then you could class yourself as an Agile team, and you will no doubt already know the benefits they bring.

This particular core practice is “Early and Frequent Feedback”.

Check out the video and article now!

Early and Frequent Feedback

When you’re working on an Agile project or delivering in an Agile way, your projects will usually have short iterations.  These short iterations are usually time-boxed pieces of work from two to four weeks, where you deliver something or showcase something for feedback. By releasing something in short cycles what we’re actually doing is enabling a project team to receive early and continuous feedback on the product’s quality throughout the development life cycle.

Continue reading Early and Frequent Feedback – The Agile Practice Guide

The Agile 12 Clarifying Principles

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The Agile 12 Clarifying Principles

These are the principles that dig deeper into the Agile Manifesto and mindset. Check out the video and article below to see if your team truly follows the Agile concepts in the way that is right for you.

We’ve already had a look at the Agile manifesto and mindset where we value the items on the left:

  • Individuals and interactions
  • Working software
  • Customer collaboration
  • Responding to change

…more than the items on the right, which are your typical linear methods or waterfall approach. Now we’re delving into it in a little bit more detail using the Agile 12 clarifying principles. When we’re delivering in an Agile way of course you know we’re using iterations where we’ve got time boxed work of between two to four weeks and we’re often delivering an increment to the customer, which is a “feature” that they can see, feel and touch, just to make sure that everything is on track, that they understand what’s being delivered and that the requirements are fit for purpose. So number one is:

1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customers through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

And that’s done through that iterative and incremental approach that we will be looking at in this series. You’ve got iterations of between two to four weeks where we’re putting all that feedback back into the product and we’re getting that feedback from the customer. And increments, where we’re delivering a feature so that the customer can just tell for themselves whether the requirements are fit for purpose.

Continue reading The Agile 12 Clarifying Principles

What is Servant Leadership in Agile Project Management?

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Do you know what it means to be a Servant Leader in Agile Project Management? Whether you’re a Scrum Master, Project Manager, facilitator or coordinator, understanding Servant Leadership will help you.

Check out the video below, now!

Servant Leadership – Agile practices

From the Agile Practice Guide, by the Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance. Agile approaches emphasise servant leadership as a way to empower their teams. Servant leadership is the practice of leading through service to the team – so in other words you’re the leader, you’re the boss, but your customers are actually your team members.  As a servant leader you’re here to serve them as well and help them get what they need so that they can do the best job that they possibly can.

That means understanding and addressing the needs and development of the team members to enable that highest possible performance.  Servant leaders approach project work in this order – first of all we start with the “why”.  That’s a classic book from Simon Sinek, and many people have written about it.  We don’t start with what we’re doing we actually start why we’re doing it.

Continue reading What is Servant Leadership in Agile Project Management?